Sunday, January 9, 2011

ThemeForest - NeueAdmin - CMS and CRM Template - Rip

NeueAdmin - CMS and CRM Template

NeueAdmin is an admin template for CMS and CRM applications. It includes all the necessary styling such as buttons, tabs, tooltips, graphs, media, pricing tables and progress bar.

Use it to build your content management systems, CRMs, website backends or any web applications.

It includes the following features:


* Fully HTML5 + CSS3
* Crossbrowser compatible
* Excellent support for rounded corners and shadows in IE7 /IE8
* Pricing table
* Scrollable / Media Browser
* File Manager Template
* Form validation
* Sortable datatables with pagination
* Progress Bars
* Charts and graphs
* Collapsible Widgets, Accordions and Tabs
* Drag and Drop dashboard widgets
* Date Picker
* Tooltips
* Styled forms, buttons, tabs, widgets, messages, headings and tables
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